Evelyn Taylor has big dreams, but for now she is new to the town of Sunset Valley and wants to just survive with very little money. She first came to town and purchased a brand new very large lot because one day she won't be poor but until then she makes due with what she has. What she has is a box with a toilet, sink, shower and bed. What a lifestyle, Right??
Well Evelyn was able to find a job in her dream field in the music industry. She starts out at the bottom but is positive she can move her way up in the company.
After her first long day she is wore out and ready for bed. And she dreams of buying a guitar to improve her skills.
Getting a little down in the dumps Evelyn worries over finances since she can't afford simple things like refrigerators, stoves, sofas, etc. She has to go to the park where they have picnic areas setup so she can eat. She does this everyday because what else is she going to do?? While at the picnic areas she finds some seeds and thinks maybe I can plant a garden and get food that way. Her mood improves slightly.
Evelyn hurries home to start her garden. After a few days she gets a little bit of money and is able to buy the guitar she has been wanting. She plays in the park and actually earns a little bit of extra cash. The following day with her spirits high she heads to work. At the end of the day she received a promotion. She is so excited that her dreams are slowly coming true.
After a few days, Evelyn gets a few promotions and things are slowly looking up. She is earning more money and can afford the finer things like, a bigger place oh and a couch and tv. Her guitar skill is getting really good and she is making pretty decent tip money on the side.
Now that she is working her way up in the music industry. Evelyn decides its time to try to find a nice guy and go out on a few dates and see where it leads up..She has big dreams of having a big family to share this property she purchased with, but until then she is feeling the need to mingle.
This is good. I can't wait for the next installment to see if she has met Mr. Right.